来源:电工电气发布时间:2021-06-28 09:28 浏览次数:639
(国网江苏省电力有限公司检修分公司,江苏 南京 211102)
摘 要 :外水冷系统主要用于冷却换流阀中内循环水,外水冷控制结构复杂,控制逻辑设置是否存在缺陷,直接决定了外水冷系统能否正常工作。叙述了某换流站一起外水冷系统控制环节逻辑配合缺陷,分析了故障产生原因并提出了解决措施,为提高外水冷系统的运行可靠性提供参考。
关键词 :外水冷 ;控制策略 ;逻辑缺陷 ;预防措施
中图分类号 :TM461.4 文献标识码 :B 文章编号 :1007-3175(2021)06-0043-04
Analysis and Countermeasures on Control Logic Defects of Outside
Water-Cooling System in a Converter Station
XU Wen-rong, HUA Kan, ZHANG Zhe, DENG Kai
(State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Co., Ltd. Maintenance Branch Company, Nanjing 211102, China)
Abstract: The outside water-cooling system is mainly used to cool the circulating water in the converter valve, and the control structure of it is complex. The controlling logic design directly determines the working performance of the outside water-cooling system. In this paper,the controlling logic defect of the outside water-cooling system of a converter station is described, and the causes of this fault are analyzed and the solutions are proposed, providing reference for improving the operation reliability of outside water-cooling system.
Key words: outside water-cooling system; control strategy; logic defects; preventive measures
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