Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊号: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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来源:电工电气发布时间:2021-06-28 10:28 浏览次数:731
谷骞1 ,谷曦2
(1 上海电力大学 现代教育技术中心(信息办),上海 201306;
2 晋能控股山西电力股份有限公司侯马热电分公司,山西 临汾 043000)
    摘 要 :根据未来电能生产者、消费者一体化的发展趋势,考虑负荷的重要程度和经济性,构造了基于负荷重要程度、能量传输距离的数学模型,并提出了一种负荷优先选择法的经济性能量分配方法。以 IEEE RBTS BUS6 系统 F4 主馈线为基础,运用负荷优先选择法和遗传算法进行计算。通过对比两种方法的计算结果,确定负荷优先选择法的适用性。
    关键词 :能源互联网 ;配电网 ;分布式电源 ;能量分配 ;遗传算法
    中图分类号 :TM714     文献标识码 :A     文章编号 :1007-3175(2021)06-0020-05
Research on the Calculation Method of DG Energy Economic
Distribution Based on Load Importance
GU Qian1 , GU Xi2
(1 Modern Education Technolody Center(Informatization Office), Shanghai University of Electric Power, Shanghai 201306, China;
2 Houma Thermal Power Branch of Shanxi Zhangze Electric Power Co., Ltd, Linfen 043000, China)
    Abstract: As the development trend of integration of power producers and consumers grows, this paper, considering the importance and economy of load, builds a mathematical model on the basis of the importance of load and the distance of energy transmission, and puts for ward an economic energy distribution method. Based on the F4 main feeder of IEEE RBTS BUS6 system, the load priority selection method and genetic algorithm are used to calculate the load. By comparing the calculation results of the two methods, the applicability of load prefer ence selection method is determined.
    Key words: energy internet; distribution grid; distributed generation; energy distribution; genetic algorithm
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