(1 河南平高电气股份有限公司,河南 平顶山 467001;
2 西安理工大学 电气工程学院,陕西 西安 710054)
摘 要:在对三支柱绝缘子进行X 射线探伤检测时,需要多次装卡才能完成一件三支柱绝缘子的 X 射线探伤检测,检测效率低,劳动强度大。设计了一种自动旋转装置,来实现一次装夹,该装置可分别沿三支柱绝缘子中心筒体的轴线、三个支柱的轴线进行360°旋转, 实现对三支柱绝缘子无死角 X 射线探伤检测,提高了检测效率和检测结果可靠性,降低了劳动强度。
关键词:三支柱绝缘子;X 射线探伤;自动旋转
中图分类号:TM216 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1007-3175(2021)07-0060-03
Research and Application of Automatic Rotating Device for
X-Ray Detection of Tri-Post Insulator
CHEN Shuan-cheng1, FENG Jia-wei2
(1 Henan Pinggao Electric Co., Ltd, Pingdingshan 467001, China;
2 School of Electrical Engineering, Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an 710054, China)
Abstract: To complete an X-ray detection on tri-post Insulator, the card needs to be installed multiple times, which is in low efficiency but high labor. An automatic rotating device is designed to realize the one-time installing in this paper. This device is able to rotate 360° around the axis of the center cylinder of the tri-post insulator or the axis of the three posts, so as to detect tri-post Insulator from all angles. In conclusion,this device could improve the efficiency and reliability of detections, and could reduce the labor intensity.
Key words: tri-post insulator; X-ray detection; automatic rotation
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