Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊号: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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来源:电工电气发布时间:2021-08-18 09:18 浏览次数:699


(首钢京唐钢铁联合有限责任公司,河北 唐山 063200)
    摘 要:某大型钢铁厂二期工程投产,规模达到 1 500万t/ 年的产能,需要有 2 个独立 220 kV 电源点供电,而因之前受周边网架薄弱情况的制约,只存在一个电源点。从电力平衡、潮流分布、短路水平、安全稳定和投资金额等方面进行论述,并给出了钢铁厂扩建二期后与系统联络的 2 个方案,经对提出的 2 个方案分析研究,决定采用方案 1,即保持现有内部供电网络与系统联络方案不变,等钢铁厂达到 2 000 万t/ 年规模时,计划新增一座 220 kV 变电站。
    中图分类号:TM715     文献标识码:B     文章编号:1007-3175(2021)08-0049-04
Research and Discussion on Improvement Scheme of Phase II Power Supply
System in Iron and Steel Plant Based on Single Power Supply Mode
REN Li-xin
(Shougang Jingtang United Iron and Steel Joint Co., Ltd, Tangshan 063200, China)
    Abstract: The second phase project of a large iron and steel plant was put into operation, and this plant has a capacity of 15 million tonsper year, requiring two independent 220 kV power supply points, but there was only one power supply point due to the weakness of the surrounding grid. After analyzing the points, like power balance, power flow distribution, short-circuit level, safety and stability, and investment,two schemes were proposed to solve the problem of the expansion of the iron and steel plant. After analyzing and studying the two proposed schemes, it was decided to adopt scheme 1, which is to keep the existing internal power supply network and system connection scheme unchanged,and plan to add a 220 kV substation when the steel plant reaches a scale of 20 million tons per year.
    Key words: iron and steel plant; independent power supply; load; power balance; short-circuit level
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