Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊号: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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来源:电工电气发布时间:2021-08-18 10:18 浏览次数:782


(山东泰开高压开关有限公司,山东 泰安 271000)
    摘 要:在模块化多电平换流器 (MMC) 运行过程中,由于每相桥臂上电容电压不相等,极易出现桥臂电压不平衡现象,伴随着桥臂中直流分量出现三相不相等情况,极易导致三相电抗器中其中一相偏磁过大,造成三相桥臂中电流不平衡,内部出现零序环流,该环流进入直流侧加剧直流侧电压、电流及功率的波动。利用有限元仿真软件搭建 MMC 解耦后的直流侧等效电路,针对三相铁芯桥臂电抗器输入和输出特性进行电磁场瞬态仿真,通过在磁芯上引入非线性 B-H 曲线效果,计算了电磁场空间分布和磁饱和效应等,分析在 MMC 三相桥臂中直流分量分布不同工况下对各相电感量及直流侧电流波动特性的影响,为 MMC 三相桥臂电抗器的设计及选择提供了参考。
    关键词:模块化多电平换流器(MMC) ;桥臂电抗器;直流分量;电流波动
    中图分类号:TM46 ;TM47     文献标识码:A     文章编号:1007-3175(2021)08-0024-05
Finite Element Simulation Analysis of Three-Phase Bridge Arm Reactor of MMC
ZHANG Zhi-cheng, ZHANG Gong-yi, LIU Kai, XIE Wen-gang
(Shandong Taikai High Voltage Switchgear Co., Ltd, Taian 271000, China)
    Abstract: During the operating of modular multilevel converter (MMC), the unequal capacitance voltage on every phase of the bridge arm usually causes unbalanced voltage. Due to the unequal three-phase DC component in bridge arms, the unbalanced DC component is easily to cause one phase the excessive magnetic bias in the three-phase reactor, and results in the inside zero-sequence circulating current, which could flow in DC side to intensify the fluctuation of voltage, current and power. In this paper, finite element modelling is utilized to develop an equivalent DC circuit and to simulate the transient electromagnet field according to the input and output characteristics of three-phase bridge arm reactor. Then, the distribution of electromagnet field and the saturation magnetization are analyzed by setting a simulated nonlinear B-H curve in magnetic core. As a result, the effects of MMC on the inductance and the fluctuation of current on DC side under different distribution of DC component are concluded, which could contribute to the design and selection of three-phase bridge arm reactor for MMC.
    Key words: modular multilevel converter (MMC); bridge arm reactor; DC component; fluctuation of current
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