Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊号: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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来源:电工电气发布时间:2021-08-18 10:18 浏览次数:573


(黑龙江科技大学 电气与控制工程学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150027)
    摘 要:基于三电平中点钳位 (NPC) 变换器,设计了三电平光伏并网逆变系统,在 NPC 总功率允许的范围内,将尽可能多的光伏组串连接到两条汇流直流母线上,且 NPC 的输出电压波形能够以较低的开关频率运行,提高系统的效率和电能质量,降低损耗。在 DC-DC 的变换电路中,选择了 LLC 半桥谐振变换器,在升压的同时实现最大功率点跟踪,引入平衡因子对中点电压进行控制,对于对称电网采用 dq 锁相环检测电网侧电压,当网侧电压不平衡的时候,采用二阶广义积分器通过正负序分离检测电网侧电压跌落程度,并完成锁相,实现系统在检测不平衡电网电压上升以及跌落的时候可以有良好的并网效果。
    关键词:光伏并网;中点钳位;LLC 半桥谐振变换器;中点电压平衡法
    中图分类号:TM464 ;TM615     文献标识码:A     文章编号:1007-3175(2021)08-0011-05
Research on Photovoltaic Grid-Connected
Inverter System Based on NPC
ZHAO Xiu-rui, LI Kai, LI You-feng
(School of Electrical and Control Engineering, Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology, Harbin 150027, China)
    Abstract: Based on three-level neutral point clamped (NPC) converter, a photovoltaic grid-connected inverter system is designed in this paper. This system allows as many PV strings as possible to be connected to two DC busbars within the power limit of the NPC, and the output voltage shape can operate at a lower switching frequency which could improve efficiency and power quality but with low loss. Firstly, the LLC half-bridge resonant converter is selected to track the maximum power point in DC-DC conversion circuit. Secondly, a balance factor is introduced to control the neutral point voltage, and the dq phase-locked loop is utilized to test the voltage of symmetrical power grid. Thirdly,second-order generalized integrator (SOGI) is to test the voltage dip when the voltage on line side is unbalanced by the method of positive and negative sequence separation control and finally lock the phase. In conclusion, the proposed system could provide an effective networking when the voltage on line-side is tested both rising and dropping.
    Key words: photovoltaic grid-connected; NPC; LLC half-bridge resonant converter; midpoint voltage balance method
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