Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊号: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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来源:电工电气发布时间:2016-03-14 10:14 浏览次数:13


(1 苏州热工研究院有限公司,江苏 苏州 215004;
2 中广核工程有限公司,广东 台山 529228;
3 珠海许继电气有限公司,广东 珠海 519001)

摘 要: 介绍了长时间充氮存放的变压器的处理过程,分析了氮气中的微水对绝缘性能的影响、绝缘材料老化降解、空腔及气泡形成等微观变化过程。基于实际工程案例,通过试验数据对比,验证了微观分析的正确性以及采取措施的有效性,为后续变压器的充氮存放管理提供了借鉴。
关键词: 充氮;微观变化;微水;降解;空腔
中图分类号:TM411 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2015)01-0021-05

Microcosmic Change Process Study and Quality Control of Transformer Storage with Nitrogen Filled Long Time 

LU Qing-gang1, ZHU Xin-jian2, ZHOU Hua-zhong1, LI Qi1, MAO Hua3 
(1 Suzhou Nuclear Power Research Institute Co., Ltd, Suzhou 215004, China;
2 China Nuclear Power Engineering Co., Ltd, Taishan 529228, China;
3 Zhuhai XJ Electric Co., Ltd, Zhuhai 519 001, China)

Abstract: Introduction was made to the process of transformer storage with nitrogen filled long time. Analysis was made to the microcosmic change process from three parts of long time storage of transformer with nitrogen, one is that minim moisture in nitrogen gas impacts on insulation performance, other one is aging and degradation of insulation and third one is that cavity and bubble turn up in transformer. This paper verified the validity of the microscopic analysis as well as the effectiveness of the actions via test data analysis, which provides practical experience for manufacturer.
Key words: nitrogen filled; microcosmic change; minim moisture; degradation; cavity

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