(南京南瑞继保电气有限公司,江苏 南京 211102)
摘 要:双线圈磁保持继电器的吸合电压和复归电压均需分级再进行组合,且组合数最多达 16 种。针对传统手工筛选方式存在效率低和差错率高等局限性,开发了一种磁保持继电器自动检测系统,介绍系统各组成单元及相应功能,并给出相应环节注意事项,经测试准确性与测试效率比较,该系统实现了取料、测试与分级、喷码、收料四个过程高效紧密衔接,减少周转,不仅提高测试效率,还能确保测试分级准确性,避免因混入分级错误产品带来的质量风险。
中图分类号:TM581.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2021)10-0054-05
Design of an Automatic Test System for
Double Coil Magnetic Latching Relay
NI Zheng-qing
(NR Electric Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211102, China)
Abstract: The pull-in voltage and reset voltage of the double coil magnetic latching relay need to be combined by stages, and there are 16 ways of combination.There are existing limitations of traditional manual screening methods, such as low efficiency and high error rate. This paper develops an automatic detection system for magnetic latching relays. It introduces the constituent units and corresponding functions of the system and gives precautions to the particular parts. After comparing the accuracy and efficiency of the tests, the system has achieved a profound effort. The processes of reclaiming, testing and grading, coding, and receiving have well engagement. This system improves test efficiency and ensures the accuracy of the test. Furthermore, it avoids the quality risk caused by mixing products with the wrong classification.
Key words: double coil magnetic latching relay; test classification; pull-in voltage; reset voltage
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