(山东省产品质量检验研究院,山东 济南 250102)
摘 要:动作特性是塑料外壳式断路器中一项重要的检测指标,该试验完成情况能在一定程度上反映实验室人员在检测方面的能力和水平。对塑料外壳式断路器的动作特性,包括脱扣时间和脱扣电流进行测量,重点对测试方法和测试设备的选择进行了分析,并对标准中相关内容进行了阐述,为实验室检测人员在进行动作特性验证时得出准确检测结果提供技术指导。
中图分类号:TM561 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1007-3175(2021)12-0057-03
Research on the Proficiency Testing of Low Voltage
Electrical Apparatus Operating Characteristics
ZHANG Jian-cheng
(Shandong Institute for Product Quality Inspection, Jinan 250102, China)
Abstract: Operating characteristics is a prime test index in the plastic case circuit breaker. The completion of the test can reflect the ability and level of the laboratory personnel in the test to a certain extent. This article measured the operating characteristics of plastic case circuit breakers, including tripping time and tripping current, focusing on the analysis of test methods and the selection of test equipment. Besides, it expounded the relevant content in the standard for laboratory testers. The research provides technical guidance for accurate detection results when verifying operating characteristics.
Key words: proficiency test; plastic case circuit breaker; trip time; trip current; Rogowski coil
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