Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊号: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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来源:电工电气发布时间:2021-12-16 10:16 浏览次数:534


(1 中国南方电网有限责任公司超高压输电公司柳州局,广西 柳州 545000;
2 武汉大学 电气与自动化学院,湖北 武汉 430072)
    摘 要:随着昆柳龙多端混合直流输电工程投入运行,光电流互感器 (纯光CT) 的故障率也逐渐变高。介绍了直流纯光 CT 的结构以及工作原理,分析了昆柳龙直流输电工程使用的纯光 CT 在运行中发生的问题,进行了通断测试、局放试验及解体测试,并在 ANSYS 软件中进行建模,使用有限元方法对其电场进行仿真计算。结合试验以及仿真结果,提出了增大绝缘管的壁厚、增加均压环等整改措施,为以后纯光 CT 的设计提供了参考。
    中图分类号:TM452+.93     文献标识码:B     文章编号:1007-3175(2021)12-0031-05
Study on Fault Analysis and Remedial Measures of DC Pure Optical CT
MA Hong-zhuo1, ZENG Zi-an2, WU Xiao-dong1, SHEN Di-qiu1, FAN You-ping2
(1 China Southern Power Grid EHV Transmission Company Liuzhou Bureau, Liuzhou 545000, China;
2 School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China)
    Abstract: The failure rate of pure optical CT has gradually increased during the Kunliulong multi-terminal hybrid DC transmission project’operation.This article introduced the structure and working principle of DC pure optical CT, analyzed the problems that emerged in the operation of the pure optical CT used in the Kunliulong DC transmission project. Besides, it conducted many tests, such as continuity test,partial discharge test, and disassembly test. Furthermore, it built a model in ANSYS software and did a simulated experiment for its electric field by using the finite element method.This work combines the results of experiments and simulations. Many remedial measures are proposed,such as increasing the wall thickness of the insulating tube and increasing the equalizing ring. Overall, it provides a reference for the design of pure optical CT in the future.
    Key words: pure optical CT; hybrid DC transmission; fault analysis; remedial measure
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