基于全生命周期的110 kV变电站降碳方案研究
(淮安新业电力建设有限公司,江苏 淮安 223000)
摘 要:以 110 kV 变电站的典型设计方案为例,梳理了当前变电站中产生碳排放的各项因素,采用全生命周期碳足迹的模型对典型变电站方案中的碳排放量进行量化,从设备降碳、供能替代、建筑节能、运行优化四方面探讨了能够降低变电站碳排放的方案,并采用敏感度分析的方法比较了不同降碳方案在全生命周期中的经济性,为建立低碳变电站提供了参考。
中图分类号:TM63 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1007-3175(2022)01-0066-04
Lifecycle-Based Research on Carbon Reduction
Measures of 110 kV Substation
(Huai'an Xinye Electric Power Contruction Co., Ltd, Huai'an 223000, China)
Abstract: This paper took the typical design scheme of the 110 kV substation as an example to sort out the various factors that produce carbon emissions in the current substation.It employed a full lifecycle carbon footprint model to quantify the carbon emissions in a typical substation program. It discussed the plans that could reduce substation carbon emissions: carbon reduction equipment, energy supply substitution,energy-saving building, and optimization operation.It used the sensitivity analysis method to compare the different carbon reduction programs from the economic aspect. The result of this paper provides a reference for the establishment of low-carbon substations.
Key words: carbon emission; substation; full lifecycle; sensitivity analysis
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