(中国启源工程设计研究院有限公司,陕西 西安 710018)
摘 要:凝露是导致中压开关设备异常放电,造成供电中断的重要诱因之一。为验证开关设备在凝露工况下的绝缘和抗腐蚀性能,GB/T 3906—2020 和 DL/T 593—2016 分别给出了相应的试验程序、试验方法和判断准则,重点对二者的试验程序和试验方法的异同点进行了对比分析,计算了主要试验设备参数并对试验中的难点问题进行了剖析,可供相关试验技术人员参考。
中图分类号:TM591 ;TM835 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2022)01-0059-07
Condensation Test Method for Medium Voltage Switchgear
LI Hua-liang, PANG Ming-ming, ZHAO Lei, SHANG Di, CUI Chun-rong
(China Qiyuan Engineering Corporation, Xi'an 710018, China)
Abstract: One of the important causes of abnormal discharge of medium voltage switchgear and interruption of power supply is condensation.The corresponding test procedures, test methods, and the exact criteria are given in GB/T 3906—2020 and DL/T 593—2016. Both of standards could be used to verify the insulation and anti-corrosion performance of switchgear under condensation conditions.This research compared and analyzed the similarities and differences between the two standards. In addition, this paper calculated the main parameters of the test equipment and analyzed the problems of the experiment. The results can provide a reference to relevant test technicians.
Key words: condensation test; switchgear; conductivity; artificial climate environment chamber; test procedure
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