(中国水利水电第八工程局国际公司,湖南 长沙 410004)
摘 要:涉网试验是发电厂机组在进入商业运行前需要完成的验证性试验。介绍了海外发电厂要求完成的涉网试验,主要包括:AGC、PSS、一次调频、进相试验等,给出了试验目的及内容,通过试验手段来验证发电机组的可靠性,可提高电网的安全性、经济性和机组的综合利用率。
关键词:发电厂;电网;AGC 试验;PSS 试验;一次调频试验;进相试验
中图分类号:TM733 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2022)02-0047-05
Practical Application of Grid Test in Overseas Power Plants Before
Entering Commercial Operation
LEI Zhen
(Sinohydro Engineering Bureau 8 Co., Ltd, Changsha 410004, China)
Abstract: The network-related test is a confirmatory test that the power plant unit needs to complete before it enters commercial operation.This paper introduced the network-related tests required by overseas power plants, including AGC, PSS, frequency modulation, phase advance test, etc. It provides the purpose and content of the experiment to verify the reliability of the generator set, improve safety, save expense,and promote the efficiency of the comprehensive utilization of the power grid.
Key words: power plant; power grid; AGC test; PSS test; frequency modulation test; phase advance test
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