Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊号: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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来源:电工电气发布时间:2022-02-28 10:28 浏览次数:609


(国网四川省电力公司成都供电公司,四川 成都 610041)
    摘 要:针对一起现场变压器例行试验中出现电容量和介质损耗 (介损) 数据异常案例,结合测试原理以及变压器的结构设计,建立等效 RC 电路模型进行仿真分析,研究了变压器铁芯高阻接地对变压器绕组电容量和介损测量影响的规律,并解释了电容量和介损数据出现异常的原因。研究表明,铁芯高阻接地时,会引起各绕组现场实测的电容量和介损数据异常,随着接地电阻值增加,实测电容值略微减少,而介损数据会剧增;铁芯高阻接地对各绕组现场实测的电容量和介损数据的影响程度还与被试绕组自身真实电容量密切相关,被试绕组自身真实电容量越大,其实测的电容量和介损数据受到铁芯高阻接地的影响也越大。
    关键词:变压器;电容量;介质损耗;RC 等效模型;高阻接地
    中图分类号:TM406     文献标识码:B     文章编号:1007-3175(2022)02-0028-05
Influence of High-Resistance Grounding of the Core on Capacitance and
Dielectric Loss Test of the Transformer Winding
QIU Wei, GAO Jun, CHEN Jia, YANG Hong-quan, LIU Yan-qin, LIU Xin, CAI Chuan, ZHOU Bo, GUO Chao, CHENG Peng
(Chengdu Power Supply Company, State Grid Sichuan Electric Power Company, Chengdu 610041, China)
    Abstract: This paper takes an abnormal event of capacitance and dielectric loss data in a routine experiment of an on-site transformer as an example. It used the test principle and the structural design of the transformer to build an equivalent RC circuit model to simulate and analyze the instance. It studied the pattern which the influence of the grounding high-resistance transformer core on transformer windings capacity and dielectric loss measurement. It also explained the abnormal that the capacitance and dielectric loss data. Results showed that the measured capacitance and dielectric loss data became abnormal when the high-resistance iron core was in grounding mode. The capacitance value decreases slightly when the grounding resistance value increases. In this situation, the dielectric loss data rises sharply. The impact of the high-resistance grounding of the core on the measured capacitance and dielectric loss data of each winding is related to the capacitance of the tested winding itself. The influence of the grounding iron core on the measured capacitance and dielectric loss data determined by the capacitance of the tested winding.
    Key words: transformer; capacitance; dielectric loss; RC equivalent model; high-resistance grounding
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