(1 浙江理工大学 机械与自动控制学院,浙江 杭州 310018;
2 杭申集团 杭州之江开关股份有限公司,浙江 杭州 311234)
摘 要:针对传统自动转换开关 (ATSE) 磨合台装夹慢、磨合效率低,并经常发生磨合中断等问题,设计出三种能够有效解决问题的自动磨合台。给出了设计方案和基本结构,并对三种自动磨合台进行多角度对比与分析,确立了夹叉式气动磨合台为最终方案,经试验验证和实际生产应用表明,夹叉式气动磨合台经车间使用效果良好,磨合平稳、装夹方便,气动磨合效率显著提高。
中图分类号:TM564.8 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2022)03-0050-06
Development of Automatic Running-In Platform for Double
Power Automatic Transfer Switch
XIAO An-jian1, CHEN Jia-cheng2, JIN Mei-ling2
(1 School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou 310018, China;
2 Hangshen Group Hangzhou Zhijiang Switchgear Co., Ltd, Hangzhou 311234, China)
Abstract: The traditional automatic transfer switch (ATSE) running-in the platform has problems, such as slow clamping, low running-in efficiency, frequent running-in interruption, etc. This paper designed three different types of the automatic running-in platform which can effectively solve these problems.This study gave a design scheme and a basic structure of the automatic running-in platform. It conducted a multi-angle comparison and analysis of three automatic running-in platforms and established the clamp-type automatic running-in platform as the final scheme.The experimental verification and actual production application show that the fork-type pneumatic running-in platform has a good use effect in the workshop. The new automatic running-in platform has many advantages. For example, the running-in is stable,the clamping is convenient, and the running-in efficiency has been significantly improved.
Key words: automatic transfer switch; automatic running-in platform; fork-type pneumatic running-in platform
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