Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊号: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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来源:电工电气发布时间:2022-03-24 15:24 浏览次数:471


(1 西藏农牧学院 水利土木工程学院,西藏 林芝 860000;
2 静宁县水务局,甘肃 静宁 743400)
     摘 要:针对青藏直流存在换相失败的问题,提出了柔性直流输电的技术方案。分析了电压源换流器的数学模型,介绍了 MMC 的拓扑结构,并详细计算了青藏柔性直流的系统参数。利用 ADPSS 软件搭建了 11 电平的青藏柔性直流模型,并在逆变侧分别设置了单相接地短路故障、两相接地短路故障、三相接地短路故障,分别对各种不同类型的故障进行了仿真研究。仿真结果表明,在三种严重程度不同的故障情况下,电压下降的幅度逐渐增加,直流输电传送的功率也逐渐下降,但都未发生换相失败,青藏柔性直流输电依旧完成了换相,验证了该方案的可行性,为防御青藏直流换相失败提供了思路。
    关键词:青藏直流;换相失败;MMC-HVDC ;不对称短路故障;PSASP 软件
    中图分类号:TM721.1     文献标识码:A     文章编号:1007-3175(2022)03-0019-08
Simulation Study of MMC-HVDC in the Problem of Commutation
Failure on the Qinghai-Tibet DC Inverter Side
LYU Xiao-ju1, LI Zhao-xia1, ZANG Kun1, CUI Ning-ning2, CHEN Fu-wei1, GENG Long-hai1, QUAN Xue-zheng1
(1 College of Hydraulic and Civil Engineering, Tibet Agriculture and Animal Husbandry University, Nyingchi 860000, China;
2 Jingning Water Bureau, Jingning 743400, China)
    Abstract: This paper proposed a technical solution for flexible HVDC transmission based on the problem of commutation failure in Qinghai-Tibet HVDC. It analyzed the mathematical model of the voltage source converter, introduced the topology of MMC, and calculated the system parameters of Qinghai-Tibet voltage direct current in detail. This research constructed an 11-level Qinghai-Tibet flexible DC model by using PSASP software. It set a single-phase grounding short circuit fault, one two-phase grounding short circuit fault, and a three-phase grounding short circuit fault on the inverting side, and did the simulation study respectively.The simulation results show that the voltage drop increases gradually, and the power transmitted by the HVDC decreases gradually under different conditions. However, the phenomenon of commutation failure does not occur, and the Qinghai-Tibet still completes the commutation. The simulation experiment verifies the feasibility of the scheme and this study provides an idea to prevent the commutation failure of Qinghai-Tibet HVDC.
    Key words: Qinghai-Tibet DC; commutation failure; MMC-HVDC; asymmetric short circuit fault; PSASP software
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