(无锡市电力滤波有限公司, 江苏 无锡 214112)
摘 要:直流支撑电容器其元件的损耗角正切会影响直流支撑电容器的发热性能。介绍了直流支撑电容器的损耗及元件的结构和等值电路,研究了元件的损耗角正切影响因素,设计不同规格金属化薄膜、不同直径的元件,并通过测量分析其对损耗角正切的影响,为直流支撑电容器元件的设计和选型提供了参考。
中图分类号:TM533 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2022)04-0053-05
Study on the Factors Affecting Tangent of the Loss Angle of
DC-Link Capacitor Components
SUN Ming, SUN Xiao-wu, LI Yin-da
(Wuxi Power Filter Co., Ltd, Wuxi 214112, China)
Abstract: The loss angle tangent of the component of the DC-link capacitor affects the heating performance of the DC-link capacitor.This paper introduced the DC-link capacitor losses, the structure of the DC-link capacitor element, and the equivalent circuit. In addition, it studied the interfering factors which affect the loss angle tangent of DC-link capacitor components. This research designed metalized films with different specifications and elements with different diameters. Furthermore, it measured and analyzed the effect on the loss angle tangent. The result of this study could provide a reference for designing a DC-link capacitor and the model selection.
Key words: DC-link capacitor; component; tangent of the loss angle
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