Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊号: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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GB/T 11022新旧标准温升试验差异解析

来源:电工电气发布时间:2022-05-27 10:27 浏览次数:559

GB/T 11022新旧标准温升试验差异解析

(山东省产品质量检验研究院,山东 济南 250102)
    摘 要:对现行的有关高压电器的标准 GB/T 11022—2020,与作废的 GB/T 11022—2011 中温升试验的差异内容进行了对比分析,重点介绍了三极串联方式、允许温升限值及周围环境等条款在新旧标准中的差异,希望研究结果有助于质量控制、产品设计及实验室检验检测人员快速理解和应用新版标准,为标准中温升试验规定的顺利落实奠定技术基础。
    关键词: 温升试验;三极串联;温升限值;邻近效应
    中图分类号:TM59     文献标识码:A     文章编号:1007-3175(2022)05-0066-03
Analysis and Comparison for Temperature Rise Test in
Different Versions of GB/T 11022
ZHANG Jian-cheng
(Shandong Institute for Product Quality Inspection, Jinan 250102, China)
    Abstract: This paper compared and analyzed the different content between the current standard GB/T 11022—2020 for high-voltage electrical appliances and the temperature rise test in the void GB/T 11022—2011.The article expressed the differences between the new and old standards of many clauses, such as the three-pole series connection, the permissible temperature rise limitation, the surrounding environment,etc.The results might help quality management staff, product designers, and laboratory testing personnel to understand and use the new version of the standard. Furthermore, it establishes a technical foundation for conducting the temperature rise test regulations.
    Key words: temperature rise test; three-pole series connection; temperature rise limit; proximity effect
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