1 100 kV GIS用伸缩节的设计及应用
(新东北电气集团高压开关有限公司沈阳电力科技开发分公司,辽宁 沈阳 110027)
摘 要:气体绝缘金属封闭开关设备 (GIS) 安装后由于环境温度的变化、通电时产生的温升、阳光的照射、风、早晚温差等原因,使壳体本身的温度发生变化而进行热伸缩,在工程方案设计中需合理设计具有温度补偿型伸缩节进行补偿。介绍了伸缩节的主要形式及使用方法,对其性能特点、补偿计算及工程实际应用进行研究。研究结果表明,设计具有高性能的伸缩节结构是 GIS 安全可靠性的基础。
关键词: 气体绝缘金属封闭开关设备;伸缩节;温升;基础沉降;母线;补偿
中图分类号:TM595 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1007-3175(2022)05-0062-04
Design and Application of Expansion Joint for 1 100 kV GIS
WANG Cai-yun, SHEN Feng-hui
(New Northeast Electric Group High Voltage Switchgear Co., Ltd. Shenyang Electric Power Technology
Development Branch, Shenyang 110027, China)
Abstract: After installing gas-insulated switchgear(GIS), the temperature changes for many reasons, such as environmental temperature changes, temperature rise under electrified, sunlight exposure, wind, and the temperature difference between morning and evening. All these changes could lead to thermal contraction of the shell. Therefore, it is necessary to design temperature-compensated expansion joints for compensation in the engineering design scheme. This paper introduced the capital forms and methods of application of the expansion joint and studied its performance characteristics, compensation calculation, and practical application in engineering. The research result shows that the expansion joint with high performance is the basis of GIS security and reliability.
Key words: gas-insulated switchgear(GIS); expansion joint; temperature rise; foundation settlement; busbar; compensation
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