Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊号: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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来源:电工电气发布时间:2022-05-28 09:28 浏览次数:583


(国网福建省电力有限公司龙岩供电公司,福建 龙岩 364000)
    摘 要:针对高压开关柜散热与防凝露装置控制系统故障导致柜内温湿度升高引起高压开关柜爆燃、放电的问题,研制了一款基于模糊控制的智能控制系统。该系统通过智能采集器获取实时电气数据、装置运行参数、柜内环境参量,自动上传至云端数据库,结合模糊控制算法,变电运维与检修人员使用电脑或移动终端即可实现高压开关柜及其散热、防凝露装置进行远程监视与智能控制。通过现场实际测试与应用,智能控制系统运行稳定,实现高压开关柜的精准散热和除湿,确保其性能安全稳定。
    中图分类号:TM591     文献标识码:A     文章编号:1007-3175(2022)05-0049-04
Design of Control System for Heat Dissipation and Anti-Condensation of
High Voltage Switchgear Based on Fuzzy Control
CHEN Hong-lin, WU Hao-ning, LI Du, XIAO Rong-yang, LIN Teng-hui, QIU Xiao-hui
(Longyan Electric Power Supply Company, State Grid Fujian Electric Co., Ltd, Longyan 364000, China)
    Abstract: When the control system of the heat dissipation and anti-condensation device of the high voltage switchgear fails, the temperature and humidity in the cabinet will rise. It could cause the problem of deflagration and discharge of the high voltage switchgear. This paper developed an intelligent control system based on fuzzy control to solve this problem.This system obtained real-time electrical data, device operating parameters, and cabinet environmental parameters from intelligent collectors, and the system automatically uploaded related data to the cloud database. With the fuzzy control algorithm, substation operation and maintenance personnel could use computers or mobile terminals to realize remote monitoring and intelligent control of high voltage switchgear, cooling, and anti-condensation devices.This paper ensures the stable operation of the intelligent control system through on-site actual testing and application and realizes the precise heat dissipation and dehumidification of the high voltage switchgear to ensure its safety and stability.
    Key words: high voltage switchgear; fuzzy control; heat dissipation; anti-condensation; intelligent control
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