Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊号: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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一起500 kV避雷器内部受潮故障特征与诊断分析

来源:电工电气发布时间:2022-05-28 09:28 浏览次数:490

一起500 kV避雷器内部受潮故障特征与诊断分析

(国网浙江省电力有限公司超高压分公司,浙江 杭州 311199)
    摘 要:金属氧化物避雷器是电力系统中重要的防雷和过电压保护设备,开展带电检测可有效地保证避雷器安全稳定运行。介绍了一起新投运的 500 kV 金属氧化锌避雷器数据异常的典型案例,通过在线监测、带电检测、停电诊断性试验确认了避雷器内部存在严重故障,经解体检查发现,避雷器上节顶部主盖板橡胶密封圈安装质量不佳致使避雷器内部发生严重积水受潮是避雷器内部故障的直接原因。指出针对新投运设备建议加强监控力度,以便及时有效地发现潜在缺陷,避免设备发生爆炸等严重安全事故。
    中图分类号:TM862     文献标识码:B     文章编号:1007-3175(2022)05-0045-04
The Internal Damp Fault Characteristics and Diagnosis
Analysis of a 500 kV Lightning Arrester
LIU Chang-biao, ZHANG Xuan-zhe, XIE Si-han, DING Kai, WANG Zhi
(EHV Branch Company of State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Company, Hangzhou 311199, China)
    Abstract: MOA is a piece of crucial equipment for lightning protection and overvoltage protection in power systems, and carrying out live detection could effectively ensure the safe and stable operation of the arrester.This paper introduced a typical case of abnormal data of a 500 kV metal zinc oxide arrester which was put into operation newly. It has been confirmed that there was a severe fault inside the arrester through online monitoring, live detection, and power failure diagnostic tests.After disintegration inspection, it was found that the poor installation quality of the rubber sealing ring of the main cover on the top of the upper section of the arrester caused serious water accumulation inside the arrester, and dampness is the direct cause of the internal failure of the arrester.This paper points out that it is necessary to strengthen the monitoring of the new equipment to detect potential defects in time and avoid serious safety accidents such as
equipment explosions, etc.
    Key words: lightning arrester; live detection; damp; internal fault
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