(中国南方电网有限责任公司超高压输电公司广州局,广东 广州 510663)
摘 要:作为单极金属回线钳位点的换流站在运行过程中会出现站内地网分流的问题,对换流站内设备及人身安全产生影响。提出了采用高速接地开关 (HSGS) 下装设限流电阻的改造方案。对该方案在换流站实际运行中的应用可行性展开了研究。介绍了 HSGS 下装设限流电阻方案的限流原理,从理论上分析了该方案实施的可行性;在 PSCAD 软件中对该方案进行了部分故障状况的仿真分析,进一步验证该方案的可行性;经过现场实际调试,数据分析结果表明,该方案可在解决换流站地网分流问题的同时满足直流运行转换的需要。
关键词: 高速接地开关;共用接地极;分流;限流电阻器;仿真;调试
中图分类号:TM54 ;TM564 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2022)05-0025-04
Feasibility Study on the Current-Limiting Resistor Installed Under HSGS
CHEN Jun-yu
(EHV Power Transmission Company Guangzhou Bureau of China Southern Power Grid Co., Ltd, Guangzhou 510663, China)
Abstract: The grounding grid shunting problem emerged during the operation of the converter station of the clamping point of the unipolar metal return line. This problem could impact the equipment and the personal safety of the operator. This paper proposed the modification scheme to install a current-limiting resistor under the high-speed grounding switches(HSGS). Moreover, it studied the application of the scheme in the converter station. Furthermore, this study introduced the principle behind this modification scheme and analyzed its feasibility.It carried out a further simulation analysis of some fault conditions of the scheme in PSCAD to verify the feasibility. The data analysis results show that this scheme could meet the needs of DC operation while solving the shunting problem.
Key words: high-speed grounding switch; common grounding electrode; shunting; current-limiting resistor; simulation; debugging
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