Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊号: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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某地区252 kV三相共箱GIL工程设计研究

来源:电工电气发布时间:2022-06-21 09:21 浏览次数:504

某地区252 kV三相共箱GIL工程设计研究

(江苏安靠智能输电工程科技股份有限公司,江苏 溧阳 213300)
    摘 要:三相共箱刚性气体绝缘输电线路 (GIL) 存在支撑结构受力较大、温度补偿柔性欠佳等特性,工程设计考虑不充分极易产生安装干涉、支撑变形、气体泄漏等问题。提出利用三维可视化设计进行工程总体布局,采用 Workbench 进行力学特性分析的方式解决 GIL 线路干涉、温度补偿以及基础载荷计算等关键问题,并以某地区 252 kV 三相共箱 GIL 工程设计为例,从总体布局、温度补偿、支架及基础载荷、现场安装及试验等方面进行探讨,为三相共箱 GIL 工程设计及产业化发展提供了参考。
    中图分类号:TM726     文献标识码:B     文章编号:1007-3175(2022)06-0057-05
Engineering Design Research of 252 kV Three-Phase
Common Box GIL in a Certain Area
LI Song-wei, CHEN Xiao-ming, YANG Tao, CHEN Hao-jie, ZHENG Chao
(Jiangsu Ankura Smart Transmission Engineering Tech Co., Ltd, Liyang 213300, China)
    Abstract: Some problems exist in the rigid gas-insulated transmission line (GIL) of the three-phase common box, such as the overburden of the support structure and poor flexibility of temperature compensation. The engineering design with insufficient consideration could easily cause installation interference, support deformation, gas leakage, and other problems. This paper proposed to employ the 3D visual design to carry out the overall layout of the project. Moreover, it used the Workbench for mechanical properties analysis to solve problems, such as GIL line interference, temperature compensation, foundation load calculation, etc. This paper takes a 252 kV three-phase common box GIL engineering design as an example, discusses it from different aspects, such as the overall layout, temperature compensation, support and foundation load, on-site installation, and testing, to provide a reference for the three-phase common box GIL engineering design and industrialization development.
    Key words: three-phase common box; rigid gas-insulated transmission line; engineering design; temperature compensation; foundation load
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