Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊号: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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来源:电工电气发布时间:2022-06-21 09:21 浏览次数:509


(国网宁夏电力有限公司电力科学研究院,宁夏 银川 750011)
    摘 要:针对现有直流、交流激励式电缆振荡波局部放电(局放)检测系统在成本投入、检测准确性方面存在的问题,研究了一种基于串联谐振试验系统的交流激励式新型电缆振荡波局放检测系统。对现有串联谐振试验设备进行改造,在励磁变高压端并联大功率高压固态电子开关并与变频电源一体化封装;通过变频电源主机控制电子开关闭合,使被试电缆、谐振电抗器、回路电阻形成阻尼振荡,激发电缆潜在缺陷产生局放;通过专用分压器实现电缆本体电压监测并采集局放信号至专用分析终端。实测结果表明,新型振荡波局放检测系统采用交流电压激励,不会造成电缆绝缘电荷积聚,能在完成交流耐压试验的同时进行振荡波局放检测,并有效发现电缆潜在缺陷。
    关键词: 电缆;串联谐振系统;交流激励;振荡波;局部放电
    中图分类号:TM855     文献标识码:B     文章编号:1007-3175(2022)06-0048-05
Research on the Partial Discharge Detection System of AC Excitation
Oscillating Wave of the Cable Based on the Series Resonance System
WU Hong, HAO Jin-peng, WANG Bo, YANG Kai, FANG Zi-yi, NIU Bo
(Power Research Institute of State Grid Ningxia Electric Power Co., Ltd, Yinchuan 750011, China)
    Abstract: The DC/AC excitation of the oscillating wave of the cable of the partial discharge detection system has problems with cost input and examination accuracy. This paper studied an AC excitation of the oscillating wave of the cable of the partial discharge detection system based on the series resonance system.It reformed the series resonant testing equipment. The end of the HV excitation paralleled the solid-state switch with high voltage and high power and integrated and packaged with the frequency converter.The tested cable, resonance reactor, and circuit resistance formed damped oscillation when the main engine controlled switch of the frequency converter closed, stimulating the potential defects of the cable and producing partial discharge.This paper realized the voltage monitoring of the cable by using a special voltage divider. In addition, it collected the partial discharge signals and sent the signals to the special analysis terminal.The results show that the new oscillation wave partial discharge detection system would not cause the accumulation of insulative electric charge of the cable by using AC voltage excitation. It could complete AC withstand voltage test while conducting the oscillating wave partial discharge detection, and discover the potential defects of the cable.
    Key words: cable; series resonance system; AC excitation; oscillation wave; partial discharge
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