Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊号: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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来源:电工电气发布时间:2022-06-21 13:21 浏览次数:515


(南京南瑞继保电气有限公司,江苏 南京 211102)
    摘 要:为分析线路感应电压对融冰装置绝缘以及运行产生的影响,提出了采用对称分量法进行感应电压的分析方法,分别给出了线路静电感应电压和电磁感应电压在融冰装置接入后的等效电路,并通过 PSCAD 电磁暂态仿真软件,对理论分析进行了验证。结果表明,在融冰装置接入后,由于停运线路对侧短接,静电感应电压的正序分量、负序分量明显减少,静电感应电压对于融冰装置的绝缘和运行基本无影响;电磁感应电压虽然会施加在融冰装置阀组两端,但是一般情况下,和该线路匹配的融冰装置的额定电压会大于该线路电磁感应电压,因此电磁感应电压对融冰装置绝缘也无影响,其影响之一为在开始解锁的时候会导致解锁时刻稍有延迟,但解锁后此影响会消失。
    关键词: 直流融冰装置;同塔双回线路;静电感应;电磁感应
    中图分类号:TM714.2 ;TM726     文献标识码:A     文章编号:1007-3175(2022)06-0024-06
Analysis of Induced Voltage of Double-Circuit Transmission Line on Common-
Tower for Deicer Based on Method of Symmetrical Components
LI Cheng-bo, ZHOU Qi-wen, LIU Yong-gang, LI Chang-wei, CHEN Li-qun
(NR Electric Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211102, China)
    Abstract: This paper proposed the method of symmetrical components to analyze the influence of induced voltage of circuits on the insulation and operation of the deicer. This paper introduced the equivalent circuit of the electrostatic induction voltage and the electromagnetic induction after the deicer connection. In addition, it verified the theoretical analysis by using the software of PSCAD. The result showed that the electrostatic induction voltage has little impact on the insulation and operation of the deicer. After the deicer connection, the positive and negative sequence components of the electrostatic induced voltage are significantly reduced due to the opposite side of the no-operation line short-circuited. Although the electromagnetic induced voltage is imposed on terminals of the valve,the rated voltage of the deicer valve matched this line is larger than the electromagnetic induced voltage. Because of this, the electromagnetic induced voltage does not affect the insulation of the deicer. It might slightly delay from the start. After unlocking the valve,this effect disappears.
    Key words: DC deicer; double-circuit transmission line on common-tower; electrostatic induction; electromagnetic induction
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