Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊号: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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来源:电工电气发布时间:2022-07-18 14:18 浏览次数:410


(国网鞍山供电公司,辽宁 鞍山 114000)
    摘 要:采用自供电即电流互感器自取能的微机保护装置,在供电系统设计以及装置可靠性上,存在着一定的安全隐患。结合具体事故案例,分析了高压开关柜微机保护装置供电系统存在的问题,根据现场运行情况,通过对比多种供电方案,提出一种外部双电源交流不同源带铅酸蓄电池储能装置的供电方案,并对外部双电源交流不同源带储能电源装置的参数进行了计算,该供电解决方案经在实际装置中应用表明,其运行工况满足设备运行要求。
    关键词: 10 kV 配电网;微机保护装置;CT 自取能电源;外部双电源交流不同源带储能电源
    中图分类号:TM774     文献标识码:B     文章编号:1007-3175(2022)07-0040-05
An Analysis and Improvement Suggestions for the Abnormal Electrical
Power Supply of the Self-Power Supply Reply Protection Device
LI Bin, YIN Liang-zhi, LIU Zhou, XU Zheng, LI Jiao-xue, XIE Dong-han
(State Grid Anshan Electric Power Supply Company, Anshan 114000, China)
    Abstract: It could be a potential safety hazard to use the microprocessor-based reply protection of the self-power supply current transformer in the design of the power system, and the device would be unreliable. This paper discussed specific cases and analyzed the existing problems of power supply of the microprocessor-based reply protection of the high-voltage switchgear. It elaborated the operation process,compared various power supply plans, and proposed a scheme of an external dual power AC different source with a lead-acid storage battery power supply. In addition, it calculated parameters of the external dual power supply AC different source energy storage power supply. The result shows that the solution meets the operational requirement.
    Key words: 10 kV distribution network; microprocessor-based reply protection; CT self-power supply; external dual power supply AC different source energy storage power supply
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