Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊号: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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风电场220 kV升压变雷击事故分析及防治措施研究

来源:电工电气发布时间:2022-07-18 14:18 浏览次数:449

风电场220 kV升压变雷击事故分析及防治措施研究

(大唐水电科学技术研究院有限公司,广西 南宁 530007)
    摘 要: 风电场主要位于开阔、迎风的山地,气候、地形条件复杂,设备运行不可避免受到雷雨影响。以某风电场发生的升压变雷击事故为研究对象,通过对主变故障后的试验数据分析以及解体检查后发现雷击导致的变压器低压线圈匝间短路是造成主变故障的主要原因;采用 ATP-EMTP 软件建立集电线路雷击电磁暂态分析模型,对杆塔遭受雷击下升压变过电压情况分析,指出现有防雷措施不能有效防治大幅值雷电流造成的三相侵入波问题,提出了在主变 35 kV 套管加装一组避雷器的防雷思路,并建立变压器梯形等值电路分析模型,通过仿真计算验证了防雷措施的有效性,为雷电多发地带风电场防雷保护提供了技术参考。
    关键词: 风电场;升压变压器;雷击事故;电磁暂态;避雷器
    中图分类号:TM614 ;TM862     文献标识码:A     文章编号:1007-3175(2022)07-0035-05
Analysis and Prevention Measures of the 220 kV Step-Up Transformer
Lightning Accident in a Wind Power Plant
SONG Jia-jun, LIU Shou-bao, TONG Li, WEI Chang-wei
(Datang Hydropower Science & Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd, Nanning 530007, China)
    Abstract: Locations of wind farms mostly are open and in the windward mountains where the climate and the terrain conditions are complex,and the operation of equipment is inevitably affected by the thunderstorm. This paper studied a step-up transformer lightning accident in a wind power plant. It detected the short-circuit between the transformer low-voltage coil caused by lightning which is the vital cause of the primary transformer failure after data analysis and disassembly inspection. The ATP-EMTP software helped establish the electricity line lightning electromagnetic transient analysis model. The boosting voltage became the overvoltage under the tower lightning strike had been analyzed by using that model. In addition, it indicated the existing lightning protection measures could not prevent and control the three-phase invasion wave problem caused by large amplitude lightning current. This research proposed the idea that adding a group of lightning arresters with the main transformer 35 kV casing and building the transformer trapezoidal equivalent circuit analysis model. The simulation test verified the effectiveness of lightning protection measures.It provides technical references for lightning protection in wind power plants with multiple thunder and lightning weather condition.
    Key words: wind power plant; step-up transformer; lightning accident; electromagnetic transient; lightning arrester
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