(深圳供电局有限公司,广东 深圳 518000)
摘 要:碳排放是造成全球温室气体激增及全球气温骤升的主要因素之一,碳交易是基于合理控制碳排放和全球气温而提出的交易市场及机制。介绍了碳排放及其交易的相关概念,阐述了碳交易的市场机制及碳资产管理的相关内容,并对电网企业参与碳交易及碳资产管理的商业模式进行分析,为电网企业更好地参与和服务碳交易市场提供参考。
关键词: 碳交易;市场机制;碳资产;商业模式
中图分类号:F407 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2022)09-0064-04
Research on the Participation of Power Grid Enterprises in Carbon
Trade and Carbon Asset Management
QIU Kai-xiang
(Shenzhen Power Supply Bureau Co., Ltd, Shenzhen 518000, China)
Abstract: Carbon emissions cause increased greenhouse gas emissions and temperature rise. Carbon trading is a marketplace and a market mechanism that the government proposed based on the reasonable control of carbon emission and the global temperature. This paper introduced the related concepts of carbon emissions and carbon trading and elaborated on the market mechanism of carbon trading and carbon asset management.Besides, it analyzed the business model of power grid enterprises. All in all, it provides a research reference for power grid enterprises to better participate in and serve the carbon trading market.
Key words: carbon trading; market mechanism; carbon asset; business model
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