(1 国网河南省电力公司超高压公司,河南 郑州 450007;
2 国网河南省电力公司直流中心,河南 郑州 450007)
摘 要:在特高压 GIS 常规运检作业中,存在着狭小空间区域检修作业耗时长及安全带无悬挂点、低挂高用和作业人员移动时失去保护等现象。通过研制隔离开关操动机构检修辅助工装,并引入 AR 新技术平台,设计制作出一套组合式辅助检修作业平台,为作业人员提供安全带悬挂点,有效减小了作业人员从高空坠落的安全隐患,缩短了部分检修作业时间。
关键词: 特高压GIS ;AR 技术;专用工装;辅助检修作业
中图分类号:TM595 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1007-3175(2022)09-0059-05
Research and Application of UHV GIS Composite Type
Auxiliary Maintenance and Operation Platform
ZHANG Li1, TANG Hui-zeng2, WANG Yu-miao2, PENG Yong1, WANG Yan2, WANG Hui-lin1
(1 State Grid Henan Electric Power Company Extra High Power Voltage Company, Zhengzhou 450007, China;
2 State Grid Henan Electric Power Company DC Center, Zhengzhou 450007, China)
Abstract: Many problems exist during the operation and inspection of UHV GIS, such as long maintenance time in narrow space, no hanging point of safety belt, low hanging of safety belt, and loss of protection when operators move. This research developed a piece of auxiliary maintenance equipment for the actuator of the isolation switch, introduced an AR technical platform, designed a combined auxiliary maintenance and operation platform, and provided a safe belt hanging point for the operator. The design could reduce the potential risk and shorten the time of maintenance and operation.
Key words: UHV gas insulated substation; AR technology; specialized tooling; auxiliary maintenance and operation
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