(China Energy Engineering Group Jiangsu Electric Power Design Institute Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211100, China)
Abstract: Conductor selection is one of the vital technologies of large-span transmission lines, which has great significance to the project cost and the safe operation.This paper analyzed the current carrying capacity of ultra high strength steel cored aluminum alloy strands, and two kinds of ultra high strength steel cored aluminum alloy strands with different conductive materials, JLHA1 and NRLH2, are compared and analyzed. Moreover, this research systematically analyzed the influence of the conductive layer, materials of the stressed layer, different aluminum steel ratios, and the steel core strength of the ultra high strength steel cored aluminum alloy strand on the design of the selection of large-span conductors from aspects of transmission capacity, stress of aluminum part, and strength of steel cored. Furthermore, this study provides suggestions for the design of large-span conductors.
Key words: large-span transmission line; ultra high strength steel cored aluminum alloy strand; stress of aluminum part; aluminum steel ratio; strength of steel cored
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