(江苏方天电力技术有限公司,江苏 南京 210096)
摘 要:为加速推进企业数字化转型的全面发展,国网江苏省电力有限公司运用先进信息技术,开展了营销 2.0 移动作业平台的研究与设计。该平台以业务中台和数据中台的双中台全新架构为依托,以基层员工现场作业场景为背景,打造了一套电力营销作业系统,支撑营销移动业务,从 8 个方面创新性应用提升移动作业与客户交互体验,强化移动核心业务能力,扩展移动业务范围,提高操作效率,其应用效果良好,为电网公司数字化转型奠定了基础。
关键词: 数字化转型;营销2.0 ;移动作业;双中台
中图分类号:F407 ;TM769 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1007-3175(2022)11-0066-06
Design and Application of Marketing 2.0 Mobile Operation Platform
Based on Dual-Middle Platform Architecture
LIU Zhi-jie, CHEN Zuo, YAN Si-yu
(Jiangsu Fangtian Power Technology Co., Ltd, Nanjing 210096, China)
Abstract: The state grid Jiangsu electric power company employed advanced information technology to develop the research and design of the marketing 2.0 mobile operation platform. It accelerated the comprehensive development of enterprise digital transformation. The platform created a power marketing operation system in the background of employees operating based on the new architecture of the business middle office and data middle office. The system could support the marketing of the mobile business, improve the customer interactive experience in eight aspects, strengthen the ability of mobile core business, expand the scope of the mobile business, and increase the efficiency of the operation. The result shows that the platform has good performance and lays the foundation of the digital transformation of the electric power company.
Key words: digital transformation; marketing 2.0; mobile operation; dual-middle platform
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