10 kV配网不停电作业旁路技术分析
(1 镇江大照集团有限公司,江苏 镇江 212000;
2 国网江苏省电力有限公司镇江供电分公司,江苏 镇江 212001)
摘 要:为了进一步提升配网不停电作业的开展范围和作业安全性,对 10 kV 旁路作业技术进行了分析。研究了配网不停电小旁路作业时的电磁暂态过程和机械受力情况,提出了基于斗臂车内绝缘短杆作业法的新型小旁路作业方法。理论分析和试验结果表明,只要开发出电气连接可靠且绝缘性能满足带电作业要求的作业工具,就可以消除旁路作业中操作架空线路过程的电压和电流安全风险,提高作业效率和供电可靠性。
关键词: 10 kV 配网;不停电作业;旁路作业; 绝缘短杆作业法;供电可靠性
中图分类号:TM755 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1007-3175(2022)12-0051-06
Analysis of Bypass Uninterruptible Operation Technology of the
10 kV Distribution Network
WANG Jun-wei1, JI Hai-ping2
(1 Zhenjiang Dazhao Group Limited Company, Zhenjiang 212000, China;
2 Zhenjiang Power Supply Branch, State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Co., Ltd, Zhenjiang 212001, China)
Abstract: This paper analyzed the bypass operation technology of the 10 kV distribution network to improve the scope and safety of the uninterruptible operation of the distribution network. It proposed a new small bypass operation method based on insulating lever operation after studying the transient process and the mechanical stress situation of the small bypass uninterruptible operation of the distribution network.The theoretical analysis and experimental results shown that the safety risks of voltage and current would be eliminated in the overhead line in the bypass operation process if technicians could design an operational tool that had the feature of reliable electric connection and the insulation property met the requirement of hot-line work. This new tool could help improve operational efficiency and promote the reliability of the power supply.
Key words: 10 kV distribution network; uninterruptible operation; bypass operation; insulating lever operation; reliability of the power supply
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