Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊号: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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来源:电工电气发布时间:2022-12-22 13:22 浏览次数:345


(1 许继电源有限公司,河南 许昌 461000;
2 河南省智能充电技术重点实验室,河南 许昌 461000)
    摘 要:针对传统的光储充一体化电站设备分散、占地面积大的问题,设计了高度集成光伏、储能、V2G 充放电机等单元的系统架构,并提出了一种基于分时电价的光储充放一体机控制策略。该策略根据车辆归家时剩余电量和分时电价,制定不同时段的工作模式,然后构建以配电网负荷波动最小和充电总费用最少为目标的数学模型,基于控制流程和车辆行为特性的概率分布,利用蒙特卡洛法进行算例仿真。仿真结果表明,所提策略能很好地发挥削峰填谷、平滑负荷曲线的作用,有效增强配电网抗冲击能力和新能源的消纳能力,同时大幅降低了车主的充电总费用。
    关键词: 分时电价;负荷波动;蒙特卡洛法;控制策略
    中图分类号:TM910 ;U469.72     文献标识码:A     文章编号:1007-3175(2022)12-0025-07
Research on Control Strategy of the Charge-Discharge All-in-One Machine for
Photovoltaic Energy Storage Based on Time-of-Use Price
NIU Gao-yuan1, 2, MENG Fan-ti1, 2, LIU Miao-miao1, 2, WU Xiao-wei1, 2, CHEN Wei-ming1, 2
(1 Xuji Power Co., Ltd, Xuchang 461000, China;
2 Henan Key Laboratory of Intelligent Charging Technology, Xuchang 461000, China)
    Abstract: The traditional charge-discharge all-in-one machine for photovoltaic energy storage has problems of scattered equipments and big occupied area, so the system architecture which highly integrates photovoltaic, energy storage and V2G charge-discharge unit into an all-in-one machine is designed, and the control strategy of the charge-discharge all-in-one machine for photovoltaic energy storage based on time-of-use price is put forward. According to the remaining electricity and time-of-use price, the control strategy formulates working modes matching different periods to establish a mathematical model which achieves the goal of the minimum load fluctuation of distribution network and the minimum total charging cost. The paper, based on the control flow and the probability distribution of vehicle behavior characteristic, employs Monte Carlo method to make example simulation. The simulation results show that the strategy can play a great role in peak-cutting and valley-filling and smoothing the load curve, which effectively enhances the impact resistance ability of distribution network and accommodation capacity of new energy, and significantly reduces auto owners’ total charging cost.
    Key words: time-of-use price; load fluctuation; Monte Carlo method; control strategy
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