(上海电机学院 电气学院,上海 200240)
摘 要: 介绍了双馈风力发电系统谐波,利用Matlab 软件搭建了2 MW 风电机组的模型,结合IEC 61400-21 标准,通过快速傅里叶变换,分别对发电机定子侧、转子侧和变流器网侧谐波电流进行分析,并从功率的角度对风电场中的谐波电流检测与传统的谐波电流检测进行了比较。仿真结果表明,双馈风力发电系统谐波主要来自于网侧变流器,且与风机的发电功率无关。
关键词: 风力发电;谐波分析;Matlab 仿真
中图分类号:TM315;TM712 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2015)03-0047-05
Harmonic Analysis and Detection of Double-Fed Wind Power Generating System
WANG Jia-yi, ZHANG Yan-chi, XU Xiang-ping, GAO Hai-ling
(School of Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Dianji University, Shanghai 200240, China)
Abstract: This paper presented harmonics of a double-fed wind power generating system. The software Matlab was adopted to simulate the model of 2MW wind turbine generator. Combined with the international standard IEC 61400-21, this paper analyzed the harmonic current of generator stator, the generator rotor and the grid side of the converter respectively by fast Fourier transform (FFT) and made comparison between harmonic current detection in wind farms and the traditional harmonic current detection from power point of view. The simulation results show that the harmonic of double-fed wind power generating system is mainly from the grid side of converter and has nothing with the generating power of wind turbine.
Key words: wind power generating; harmonic analysis; Matlab simulation
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