(中国南方电网超高压输电公司柳州局,广西 柳州 545006)
摘 要: 针对500 kV 南宁站35 kV #N1 站用变损坏的事故,分析了主变跳闸时低压无功补偿设备和站用变并列运行存在的问题。制定了主变联跳低压补偿设备的二次回路改造实施原则,并给出了现场采用的二次回路改造实施方案。改造后主变跳闸同时将低压无功补偿设备和站用变隔离,保障了站用变的安全稳定运行。
关键词: 站用变;电容器组;母线保护;主变保护
中图分类号:TM411+.2 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1007-3175(2015)03-0044-03
Reasons Analysis and Improved Solution for an Event of Substation Transformers Damage
OU Jun-yan
(Liuzhou Electric Power Bureau, EHV Transmission Company, Liuzhou 545006, China)
Abstract: Considering the accident of the 35 kV N1 substation transformer in 500 kV Nanning, the paper presented the problem existed when the substation transformers and low-voltage reactive compensation equipments running in parallel and the main transformer was tripping at the same time. This paper constituted the principle of construction and implementation for the secondary circuit of the low-voltage reactive compensation equipments which tripping with the main transformer, and introduced the scheme of the construction for the secondary circuit in the field. After the completeness of construction, when the main transformer tripping, the low-voltage reactive compensation equipments and substation transformers shall simultaneously be isolated, which will guarantee the substation transformers operate safely and stably.
Key words: substation transformer; capacitor banks; busbar protection; main transformer protection
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