(广东电网有限责任公司佛山供电局,广东 佛山 528000)
摘 要: 建立了220 kV 变电站典型模型,介绍了旁路代线路开关和旁路代主变变高开关的操作过程、注意事项及常见故障。指出旁路代路的主要过程为保护定值的整定及对旁路母线充电、代开关操作等,而代主变开关时,二次操作与一次操作配合必须紧密,否则将引起事故。
关键词: 旁路开关;旁路母线充电;CT 切换;PT 非正常并列
中图分类号:TM645.2+4 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1007-3175(2015)03-0038-03
Analysis on Operation Process and Common Faults of Bypass Switch
LI Ji-guang, JIANG Guo-shun
(Foshan Power Supply Bureau, Guangdong Power Grid Co., Ltd, Foshan 528000, China)
Abstract: The 220 kV typical substation model was established. Introduction was made to the operation process, matters needing attention and common fault when the bypass switch replaced the switching of line or the main transformer high switch. The main process of bypass switch replaced line is to protect the setting value, the bypass bus charging, switch replaced operation. When the bypass switch replaced the switching of the main transformer switch, the secondary electrical operation must match up the primary electrical operation closely, otherwise faults will take place.
Key words: bypass switch; bypass bus charging; CT transforming; PT abnormal juxtaposition
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