Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊号: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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12 kV气体绝缘环网柜工频特性研究及优化

来源:电工电气发布时间:2023-04-26 08:26 浏览次数:348

12 kV气体绝缘环网柜工频特性研究及优化

(许继集团有限公司,河南 许昌 461000)
    摘 要:为了保持环保气体开关设备尺寸的紧凑化,通过建立 12 kV 干燥空气绝缘环网柜断路器模块三维电场仿真模型,利用有限元仿真软件得出其电场分布,发现绝缘固定板与螺栓头及相间支撑板接触点附近电场超标。通过在螺栓头部位置设计添加屏蔽罩的优化措施,电场强度最大值由优化前的 5.4 kV/mm 下降到 2.3 kV/mm ;通过在相间支撑板间添加绝缘隔板,可以降低隔板区域电场强度,证明所提出优化方法的理论可行性。对优化前后的断路器模块进行工频耐压试验,同样的距离,添加屏蔽罩的螺栓头对气箱壁耐压提升了 10 kV,添加绝缘隔板的相间支撑板耐压提升了 7 kV,验证了优化方案的工程应用可行性。
    关键词: 环保气体;开关设备;紧凑化;环网柜;电场仿真;屏蔽罩
    中图分类号:TM591     文献标识码:B     文章编号:1007-3175(2023)04-0066-05
Research and Optimization of Power Frequency Characteristics of
12 kV Air-Insulated Ring-Main Unit
WANG Qi-zhong, LI Jun-hao
(XJ Group Co., Ltd, Xuchang 461000, China)
    Abstract: To keep the size of environmental-friendly gas switchgear compact, the paper builds a three-dimensional electric field simulation model of the circuit breaker module of 12 kV dry-air-insulated ring-main unit and uses finite element simulation software to obtain its electric field distribution. It finds out that the electric field near the contact point between insulation fixing plates, bolt heads and inter-phase support plates exceeds the standard.The adding of shielding cover to the bolt head decreases the maximum electric field intensity from 5.4 kV/mm to 2.3 kV/mm; and the adding of insulation partition to inter-phase support plates reduces their electric field intensity. The above optimization measures verify the theoretical feasibility of the proposed method.Then, the paper also carries out the industrial frequency withstand voltage test of the circuit breaker modules. The withstanding voltage against the gas box wall of bolt heads with shielding cover increases 10 kV and the withstanding voltage of inter-phase support plates with insulation partition increases 7 kV in the same distance, which verifies the feasibility of this optimization scheme.
    Key words: environmental-friendly gas; switchgear; compact; ring-main unit; electric field simulation; shielding cover
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