Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊号: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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来源:电工电气发布时间:2023-04-26 09:26 浏览次数:379


(国网河南省电力公司直流中心,河南 郑州 450007)
    摘 要:气体绝缘金属封闭输电线路 (GIL) 因受外界温度、天气等环境干扰而产生热胀冷缩,可能导致其壳体在长期位移累积中产生变形,从而出现抱箍开裂等隐患。对一起户外型 GIL 抱箍开裂隐患问题进行了研究,基于伸缩节技术规范中对壳体热胀冷缩的要求计算不同温度下的壳体位移量,并结合热胀冷缩特性进行温度、位移特性分析,在此基础上综合现场运行工况,对安装工艺方面提出了加大滑板与挡块之间的间隙,加长抱箍支架的加强筋板等改进措施。这些措施可减少热胀冷缩对 GIL 运行工况的影响,保障设备运行安全。
    关键词: 气体绝缘金属封闭输电线路;热胀冷缩;伸缩节;抱箍开裂
    中图分类号:TM726     文献标识码:B     文章编号:1007-3175(2023)04-0047-06
Analysis and Treatment of Thermal Expansion and Contraction
Happening to the Outdoor GIL
CHEN Kai, TANG Hui-zeng, WANG Ke-ying, YU Kai-wei, ZHANG Gao-feng, WANG Yu-miao, PEI Dong-liang,WANG En-gang
(State Grid Henan DC Center, Zhengzhou 450007, China)
    Abstract: Thermal expansion and contraction always occurs to the Gas-insulated Metal-enclosed Transmission Line (GIL) because of external temperature, weather and other environmental interference, and it is likely to make GILs’ shells deformed during the long-term displacement accumulation, resulting in hidden dangers such as the cracking of the hold hoop. To solve the problem, the paper first makes analysis of the cracking of the hold hoop happening to the outdoor GIL. It calculates the shell’s displacement under different temperature conditions according to the extension node technical specifications for thermal expansion and contraction of shells, and analyzes the relation between temperature and displacement. Then, based on site operation, the paper puts forward some improvement measures like increasing the clearance between the sliding plate and the stop block, lengthening the reinforcement plates of the hold hoop support and so on. These measures can reduce the effect of thermal expansion and contraction on GIL working conditions to ensure the safe operation of equipments.
    Key words: gas-insulated metal-enclosed transmission line; thermal expansion and contraction; extension node; cracking of the hold hoop
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