(国网山东省电力公司超高压公司,山东 济南 250018)
摘 要:介绍了一起 500 kV 弹簧操动机构断路器合闸不到位故障,并给出了事故紧急处理方案,来避免故障断路器发展为燃弧、爆炸事故。通过现场设备检查,对事故原因进行了分析,最终确定事故的直接原因为脱出的销轴与机架腰形孔产生碰撞卡死,导致合闸不到位;根本原因为固定销轴的螺钉未装配或因松动而脱落。提出了相应的排查和应对措施,以避免类似故障再次发生。
关键词: 断路器;操动机构;销轴;合闸不到位
中图分类号:TM561 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1007-3175(2023)06-0044-05
Analysis of Disposal Process and Causes of a
Circuit Breaker Inadequate Closing Fault
LI Qing-quan, LI Xiang-dong, FENG Zhi-hai
(State Grid Shandong Electric Extrahigh Voltage Company, Jinan 250118, China)
Abstract: An inadequate closing fault of the circuit breaker occurring to 500 kV spring operating mechanism is introduced, and the corresponding emergency treatment scheme is proposed to avoid this circuit breaker fault becoming an arc burning or explosion accident. After checking equipments on site, the paper analyzes causes of this fault. The collision between the detached pin shaft and the waist-shaped hole of the frame led to inadequate closing of the circuit breaker, which is the direct cause. While the root cause is that screws holding the pin shaft are not assembled or loose. Therefore, the paper proposes corresponding checking measures and solutions to avoid the recurrence of such faults.
Key words: circuit breaker; operating mechanism; pin shaft; inadequate closing
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