Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊号: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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来源:电工电气发布时间:2023-07-27 13:27 浏览次数:340


(国网天津市电力公司滨海供电分公司,天津 300450)
    摘 要:在弱电网下,电网阻抗的存在会削弱三相逆变器的稳定裕度,阻抗分析法可针对并网逆变器与弱电网之间的相互作用开展研究。分析了逆变器阻抗重塑控制策略,引入正负序并联校正阻抗进行逆变器的阻抗重塑;通过优化比例前馈系数和改进锁相环结构增大系统的稳定裕度,扩展三相逆变器并网系统稳定运行时电网阻抗范围,提高了系统对弱电网的适应性;将所提控制策略应用于三相逆变器并网系统并通过 MATLAB/Simulink 进行仿真,结果验证了该控制策略的有效性。
    关键词: 弱电网;并网逆变器;序阻抗;阻抗重塑;稳定性
    中图分类号:TM464     文献标识码:A     文章编号:1007-3175(2023)07-0014-07
Research on Grid-Connected Stability of Inverters Based on
Impedance Reshaping Analysis
YANG Ru-nan, LIU Ming-yang, LI De-qiang, XU Yi-xiang, SU Xu
(State Grid Tianjin Electric Power Company Binhai Power Supply Company, Tianjin 300450, China)
    Abstract: The existence of grid impedance weakens the stability margin of three-phase inverters in the weak grids, and the impedance analysis method can be used to analyze the interaction between grid-connected inverters and weak grids.In the paper, the impedance reshaping control strategy of inverters is analyzed, and the positive and negative sequence parallel correction impedance is introduced for impedance reshaping.The system stability margin increases through optimizing proportional feedforward coefficients and improving phase-locked loop structure, and the system adaptability to the weak grid improves by expanding the grid impedance range as the grid-connected system of three-phase inverters operates stably.The control strategy is applied to the grid-connected system of three-phase inverters and is simulated through MATLAB/Simulink, and the above results verify its effectiveness.
    Key words: weak grid; grid-connected inverter; sequence impedance; impedance reshaping; stability
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