(江苏方天电力技术有限公司,江苏 南京 210096)
摘 要:当前光伏结算已支持自动核算和自动审核,给出了分布式光伏结算在电力营销系统实现路径,通过依托电力营销系统,利用数字化手段,实现了核算发行、流程贯通、结算支付等环节的自动处理和流转;同时电力营销系统与其他电网公司财务管控系统也实现了流程贯通,可支撑自动推送应付数据至财务系统,并自动制作相应凭证,该系统在自动处理过程中若遇到问题,营销客户服务系统也能实现自动补偿,大大提升了工作效率以及客户服务体验度。
关键词: 分布式光伏;电力营销系统;流程贯通;支付结算
中图分类号:TM615 ;F275 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1007-3175(2023)09-0061-08
Application of Distributed Photovoltaic Payment and Settlement Service
Based on Power Marketing System
YONG Wen, WANG Jiang-hui, ZHANG Fan, WANG Qian-cheng, YUAN Shuai, ZHENG Bin
(Jiangsu Frontier Power Technology Co., Ltd, Nanjing 210096, China)
Abstract: The present photovoltaic settlement has functions of automatic accounting and automatic audit. This paper gives out the realization path of distributed photovoltaic settlement in the power marketing system. Through the power marketing system, this kind of settlement can realize the automatic processing and transferring of accounting and issuing, process coherence, payment and other parts with the help of digital means. Meanwhile, the process coherence is realized between the power marketing system and financial management and control systems of other power grid companies, which can support the automatic push of payable data to financial systems and the automatic manufacture of corresponding vouchers. If this system encounters problems in the automatic processing process, the client service system can also compensates it automatically, greatly improving the work efficiency and customer service experience.
Key words: distributed photovoltaic; power marketing system; process coherence; payment and settlement
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