(国电南瑞科技股份有限公司,江苏 南京 210061)
摘 要: 基于常规励磁系统构造,参照人体结构,提出了发电机励磁系统智能化设计的初步构想。给出了结构设想框图,并对励磁调节器、整流装置、灭磁及过压保护装置等设计进行了阐述,该励磁系统智能化的关键环节和重点技术通过具体工程研究设计及实践检验,将最终形成先进的具备适用性与实用性的统一方案,可行性较强。
关键词: 发电机;励磁系统;人体功能;智能化设计
中图分类号:TM302 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2015)03-0001-03
First Exploration of Intelligentized Design for Generator Excitation System
GENG Min-biao, LI Xiao-luo
(NARI Technology Co., Ltd, Nanjing 210061, China)
Abstract: On the basis of the regular excitation system structure and referring to the body structure, this paper put forward the preliminary conception of the intelligentized design for the generator excitation system, gave the structure assumption diagram and elaborated the design of excitation regulator, rectifier device and the device of excitation suppression and over-voltage protection. Through specific project R & D, and practical test, the critical part and key technique for the intelligence of the excitation system shall finally form into an advanced, feasible and practical solution.
Key words: generator; excitation system; body function; intelligentized design
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