Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊号: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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500 kV变压器空载过励磁下的损耗与温升特性仿真研究

来源:电工电气发布时间:2023-10-28 09:28 浏览次数:228

500 kV变压器空载过励磁下的损耗与温升特性仿真研究

(1 石家庄铁道大学 电气与电子工程学院,河北 石家庄 050043;
2 保定天威保变电气股份有限公司 河北省输变电装备电磁与结构性能重点实验室,河北 保定 071056)
    摘 要:为了研究变压器空载过励磁下的铁心损耗和温升特性,针对某 500 kV 单相油浸式变压器,在对其进行低倍过励磁试验的基础上,分析了不同运行条件对激磁电流的影响;应用有限元仿真软件,建立变压器磁场-温度场耦合的仿真模型,并计算了不同倍数过励磁工况对变压器铁心热点温升的影响。试验和仿真结果表明,随着过励磁倍数的增加,变压器铁心损耗和热点稳态温升也在增加,在 1.15 倍及以上过励磁时,铁心热点稳态温升超过规定限值,变压器不可长期运行。
    关键词: 电力变压器;空载过励磁;场路耦合法;磁场分布;热点温升
    中图分类号:TM411+.1     文献标识码:B     文章编号:1007-3175(2023)10-0042-07
Simulation Research on Loss and Temperature Rise Characteristic of
500 kV Transformers Under No-Load Over-Excitation
ZHOU Shuai1,2, WANG Jian-min2, LIU Yu-zhi1, ZHAO Feng2, FENG He-chao2, DU Zhen-bin2
(1 School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Shijiazhuang Tiedao University, Shijiazhuang 050043, China;
2 Hebei Province Key Laboratory of Electromagnetic and Structural Performance of Power Transmission and Transformation Equipment,
Baoding Tianwei Baobian Electric Co., Ltd, Baoding 071056, China)
    Abstract: In order to analyze core loss and temperature rise characteristic of transformers under no-load over-excitation, the paper, based on the low times over-excitation test of a 500 kV single-phase oil-immersed transformer, analyzes the effects of different operating conditions on magnetizing current. First, the finite element simulation software is adopted to build a transformer magnetic field-temperature field coupling model. Then, the effects of over-excitation with different times on hot spot temperature rise of the transformer core are calculated.According to the test and simulation results, the core loss and hot spot steady temperature rise of transformers increases as the time of over-excitation rises. When the over-excitation is 1.15 times and above, hot spot steady temperature rise of the core can exceed the specified limit, and the transformer cannot run for a long time.
    Key words: power transformer; no-load over-excitation; field-circuit coupling method; magnetic field distribution; hot spot temperature rise
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