Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊号: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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来源:电工电气发布时间:2024-01-31 15:31 浏览次数:559


(正泰电气股份有限公司技术研究院, 上海 201614)
    摘 要:如何使组合变油箱既满足安全可靠的前提条件,又充分提高钢材等原材料的利用率,节约成本,在现如今尤为关键。基于组合变油箱在非匀称载荷条件的实际工况下,采用两种不同模式的力学叠加态计算方法,对组合变油箱加强筋的布局方式和材料用量进行了优化,在满足极限工况产品安全的条件下,最大限度地达成了降低钢材使用量这一目的。经有限元仿真分析及实物样机试制,验证了该研究的可靠性和有效性。
    关键词: 组合变油箱;加强筋;叠加态力学;迭代计算;结构仿真
    中图分类号:TM401+.1     文献标识码:A     文章编号:1007-3175(2024)01-0059-06
Research on Cost Reduction of Stiffener of Combined Variable Oil Tanks
Under the Non-Uniform Load Superposition State
SU Zhong-xin
(Technical Research Institute of Chint Electric Co., Ltd, Shanghai 201614, China)
    Abstract: How to make the combined variable oil tank meet the preconditions of safety and reliability and to fully improve the utilization rate of raw materials such as steel is becoming particularly critical. Based on the actual working operation of the combined variable oil tanks under the non-uniform load conditions, the paper adopts two different modes of mechanical superposition calculation methods to optimize the layout of stiffener and material consumption of the combined variable oil tanks. Then, the goal of reducing the steel consumption is achieved to the greatest extent under the extreme working condition of product safety. The reliability and effectiveness of the study is verified by finite element simulation analysis and physical prototype trial production.
    Key words: combined variable oil tank; stiffener; superposition state mechanics; iterative calculation; structural simulation
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