(国网新疆电力有限公司电力科学研究院,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830001)
摘 要:随着电动汽车规模化接入电网,用户无序的充电行为会对电力系统的安全性和经济性产生负面影响。提取不同类型电动汽车充电负荷特性,并分析了集群电动汽车与电网在系统稳定性方向的交互与影响;仿真结果表明,通过电动汽车充电时间及充电功率等灵活资源的集群调控,能有效利用电动汽车负荷的可调度特性,发挥更多的需求侧潜能,实现需求侧负荷削峰填谷的目标。
关键词: 电动汽车;需求响应;电力系统;负荷特性
中图分类号:TM715 ;U469.72 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2024)02-0015-04
The Impact Mechanism of Large-Scale Electric Vehicle
Integration on Power Grid Dispatch
FU Ri-fucairen, LI Ming, ZHENG Yun-ping, KEPAIYITULLA•Tursun, YAXAR•Turgun
(Electric Power Research Institute of State Grid Xinjiang Electric Power Co., Ltd, Urumqi 830001, China)
Abstract: With the large-scale integration of electric vehicles into the power grid, the disorderly charging behavior of users will have a negative impact on the safety and economy of the power system. This paper extractes the charging load characteristics of different types of electric vehicles, and the interaction and influence of cluster electric vehicles and power grid in the direction of system stability are analyzed.The simulation results show that through the cluster regulation of flexible resources such as charging time and charging power of electric vehicles, the schedulable characteristics of electric vehicle load can be effectively utilized, more demand-side potential can be brought into play, and the goal of peak cut on the demand side load can be achieved.
Key words: electric vehicle; requirement response; power system; load characteristic
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