(1 三变科技股份有限公司,浙江 三门 317100;
2 苏州电器科学研究院股份有限公司,江苏 苏州 215104;
3 浙江爱力浦科技股份有限公司,浙江 三门 317100)
摘 要:依据在变压器绕组对地介质损耗因数测量项目中,同时测得的不同接线方式下绕组对地电容量的测量结果,通过阐述各绕组对地混联电容量与各侧绕组单独对地电容量和相邻绕组之间电容量的相互关系,分别对双绕组变压器和三绕组变压器在不同绕组排列方式下各侧绕组单独对地电容量和相邻绕组之间电容量的间接测量方法进行了分析,可知不同的绕组排列结构,各侧绕组单独对地的电容量和相邻绕组之间的电容量并不相等。
关键词: 变压器 ;绕组;电容量;测量方法
中图分类号:TM401+.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2024)03-0061-04
Measurement Method Analysis of the Capacitance
Between Transformer Windings
CAI Tong-hui1,WANG Fei2,ZHOU Cai-kang3
(1 Sanbian Sci-Tech Co., Ltd, Sanmen 317100, China;
2 Suzhou Electrical Apparatus Science Research Institute Co., Ltd,Suzhou 215104, China;
3 Zhejiang Ailipu Technology Co., Ltd, Sanmen 317100, China)
Abstract: According to the measurement results of the winding-to-ground capacitance under different wiring modes measured at the same time in the transformer winding dielectric dissipation factor measurement project. By expounding the relationship between the mixed capacitance of each winding-to-ground and the capacitance of each side winding-to -ground alone and the capacitance between adjacent windings,the indirect measurement methods of the capacitance of each side winding-to-ground alone and the capacitance between adjacent windings under different winding arrangement modes of double-winding transformer and three-winding transformer are analyzed respectively. It can be seen that the capacitance of each side winding to the ground alone and the capacitance between adjacent windings are not equal in different winding arrangement structures.
Key words: transformer; winding; capacitance; measuring method
[1] 贺以燕,杨治业. 变压器试验技术大全[M]. 沈阳:辽宁科学技术出版社,2006.
[2] 胡启凡. 变压器试验技术[M]. 北京:中国电力出版社,2010.