Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊号: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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550 kV环氧树脂浸纸多出线套管抗震性能研究

来源:电工电气发布时间:2024-04-07 09:07 浏览次数:458

550 kV环氧树脂浸纸多出线套管抗震性能研究

(山东彼岸电力科技有限公司,山东 济南 250200)
    摘 要:为评估 550 kV 环氧树脂浸纸多出线套管的抗震性能,对该型套管进行了有限元分析。根据产品设计绘制三维实体模型,模态分析计算此套管的固有频率,对套管施加静态端子拉力、自重力及等效风载荷,计算静态载荷及响应谱情况下套管的最大位移,并对静力载荷与地震载荷进行工况组合,分析在静态载荷和地震载荷综合情况下套管主要零部件的位移及应力。分析数据显示,该多出线套管计算安全系数完全满足 AG5 地震水平要求,应力最大位置为芯体上部卷制管位置,后期设计时应充分考虑提高卷制管壁厚及刚度,提高该套管的安全系数。
    关键词: 多出线套管;环氧树脂浸纸;响应谱;工况组合;抗震性能
    中图分类号:TM216.5     文献标识码:A     文章编号:1007-3175(2024)03-0055-06
Study on Seismic Performance of 550 kV Epoxy Resin
Impregnated Paper Multioutlet Bushing
LIU Chuan-hui, LIU Wei, WANG Hai-li
(Shandong Peiport Electric Power Science & Technology Co.,Ltd, Jinan 250200, China)
    Abstract: In order to study the seismic performance of 550 kV epoxy resin impregnated paper multioutlet bushing, the finite element analysis on the bushing were carried out in this paper. Draw a three-dimensional solid model based on the product design, calculate the natural frequency of this bushing through modal analysis, apply static terminal tension, self gravity, and equivalent wind load to the casing, calculate the maximum displacement of the casing under static load and response spectrum conditions. Finally, the working conditions of static load and seismic load are combined to analyze the displacement and stress of the main components of the bushing. The analysis data shows that the calculated safety factor of the bushing fully meets the AG5 seismic level requirements, the maximum stress position is the rolled tube,located at the upper part of the core body. During the later design, full consideration should be given to increasing the wall thickness and stiffness of the rolled pipe, in order to improve the safety factor.
    Key words: multioutlet bushing; epoxy resin impregnated paper; response spectrum; working condition combination; seismic performance
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