Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊号: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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来源:电工电气发布时间:2024-06-03 13:03 浏览次数:100


(德力西电气有限公司,上海 201803)
    摘 要:为了解决接触器动、静铁心出现的频率振动问题,接触器交流电磁系统通常是在铁心上增加短路环。介绍了接触器交流电磁系统铁心短路环的作用及其工作原理,分析了短路环的结构参数对铁心最小吸力及平均吸力的影响。着重阐述了短路环内、外磁通相位差对短路环性能的影响,给出了基于此磁通相位差来确定短路环综合参数的方法,同时通过数值计算予以理论论证,并以实际接触器研发应用证明了此设计方法的有效性。
    关键词: 短路环;噪音;最小吸力;磁通相位差;短路环综合参数;滞后叠加
    中图分类号:TM572     文献标识码:A     文章编号:1007-3175(2024)05-0058-05
Design of AC Electromagnetic Short Circuit Ring
LI Xin-ye, RAN Yong, ZHENG Yun, SHI Ya-wen
(Delixi Electric Co., Ltd, Shanghai 201803, China)
    Abstract: In order to solve the problem of frequency vibration in the dynamic and static iron core of the contactor, the contactor AC electromagnetic system usually adds a short circuit ring to the core. In this paper, the role and working principle of the core short-circuit ring of the contactor AC electromagnetic system are introduced, and the influence of the structural parameters of the short-circuit ring on the minimum and average suction of the core is analyzed. The influence of the phase difference between the internal and external magnetic flux of the short circuit ring on the performance of the short circuit ring is emphatically expounded, and the method of determining the comprehensive parameters of the short circuit ring based on the magnetic flux phase difference is given, and the theoretical demonstration is carried out through numerical calculation, and the effectiveness of the design method is proved by the actual development and application of contactor.
    Key words: short circuit ring; noise; minimal suction; magnetic flux phase difference; short circuit ring comprehensive factor; lag superposition
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