Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊号: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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来源:电工电气发布时间:2024-07-02 14:02 浏览次数:364
(1 浙江爱力浦科技股份有限公司,浙江 三门 317100;
2 扬戈科技股份有限公司,浙江 三门 317100)
    摘 要:变压器并列运行需要考虑如何解决负荷分配随各变压器额定容量匹配的合理性问题,而短路阻抗是影响负荷分配比例的主要因素。介绍了变压器并列运行的优缺点及并列运行的理想条件,以两台变压器并列运行为例,分析了负荷分配比例与短路阻抗大小的关系。结果表明:额定容量不相等的两台变压器并列运行时,要尽可能保证其短路阻抗相等,使每台变压器所带的负荷根据各自的额定容量按比例进行分配;不能满足短路阻抗完全相等的条件时,额定容量较小的变压器短路阻抗应选择大一些,额定容量较大的变压器短路阻抗应选择小一些,使并列运行后的系统总传输容量大于两台变压器的额定容量之和,以提高系统运行的经济性和安全性。
    关键词: 变压器;并列运行;负荷分配比例;短路阻抗;满载运行;传输容量
    中图分类号:TM406     文献标识码:B     文章编号:1007-3175(2024)06-0044-05
Analysis of the Relationship Between Load Distribution Ratio and Short-Circuit
Impedance When Transformers Are Running in Parallel
ZHOU Cai-kang1, LIN Zhi-peng2, DING Bin1, WANG Ming-hu1
(1 Zhejiang Ailipu Technology Co., Ltd, Sanmen 317100, China;
2 Yagertec Co., Ltd, Sanmen 317100, China)
    Abstract: The parallel running of transformers needs to consider how to solve the rationality of the load distribution matching with the rated capacity of each transformer, and the short-circuit impedance is the main factor affecting the load distribution ratio. The advantages and disadvantages of parallel running of transformers and the ideal conditions for parallel running are introduced in this paper. Taking the parallel running of two transformers as an example, the relationship between the load distribution ratio and the short-circuit impedance is analyzed.The results show that, when two transformers with unequal rated capacity run side by side, it is necessary to ensure that their short-circuit impedance is equal as far as possible, so that the load carried by each transformer is distributed proportionally according to their respective rated capacity. However, when the short-circuit impedance cannot be completely equal, the short-circuit impedance of the transformer with smaller rated capacity should be larger, and the short-circuit impedance of the transformer with larger rated capacity should be smaller, so that the total transmission capacity of the system after parallel operation is greater than the sum of the rated capacity of the two transformers,so as to improve the economy and safety of the system operation.
    Key words: transformer; parallel running; load distribution ratio; short-circuit impedance; full load operation; transmission capacity
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