Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊号: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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来源:电工电气发布时间:2024-08-30 14:30 浏览次数:391


(河北科技大学 电气工程学院,河北 石家庄 050018)
    摘 要:传统滑模观测器由于自身系统结构的开关特性,在电机控制中会引起大量的高频抖振。提出了一种基于模糊控制的超螺旋滑模观测器,考虑到永磁同步电机非线性耦合及复杂的数学模型,对超螺旋滑模观测器进行设计改进,来提升系统的收敛速度和抗干扰能力。针对超螺旋滑模算法的上层边界函数未知的情况,引入模糊控制来调整滑模增益,减少了系统的动态响应时间和观测误差。与传统超螺旋滑模观测器相比,仿真结果显示提出的改进超螺旋滑模观测器显著降低了系统抖动,提高了观测系统的稳定性和精准度。
    关键词: 永磁同步电机;高频抖振;模糊控制;超螺旋滑模观测器;无位置传感器控制
    中图分类号:TM341 ;TM351     文献标识码:A     文章编号:1007-3175(2024)08-0015-06
Research on Control of Improved Super-Spiral Sliding Mode Observer for
Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor
WANG Lei, WANG Yu-an, WU Jian-kun, GAO Heng
(School of Electrical Engineering, Hebei University of Science and Technology, Shijiazhuang 050018, China)
    Abstract: Due to the switching characteristics of its own system structure, the traditional sliding mold observer will cause a large number of high-frequency buffeting in the motor control. In this paper, a super-spiral sliding mode observer based on fuzzy control is proposed, and considering the nonlinear coupling of permanent magnet synchronous motor and complex mathematical model, design of the super-spiral sliding mode observer is improved to improve the convergence speed and anti-interference ability of the system. For the unknown situation of the upper boundary function of the super-spiral slide algorithm, the introduction of fuzzy control to adjust the sliding mold gain, reducing the dynamic response time and observation error of the system. Compared with the traditional super-spiral sliding mode observer, the simulation results show that the proposed improved super-spiral sliding mode observer significantly reduces the system jitter and improves the stability and accuracy of the observation system.
    Key words: permanent magnet synchronous motor; high-frequency buffeting; fuzzy control; super-spiral sliding mode observer; sensorless control
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